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Using a birthing ball in pregnancy and labour

Using a birthing ball in pregnancy and labour

If you're experiencing pain during pregnancy, or want to prepare your body for an upcoming delivery, a birth ball may be the perfect solution for you.

Have you ever wondered what a birthing ball does and if it is worth the investment? A large Exercise Ball that looks very similar to what you'd find at the gym, you can use the birthing ball to relieve pain associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Because of their versatility and versatility, birthing balls are used by some pregnant women on an almost daily basis, and for many, their usefulness doesn't end with delivery.

While there are specific pregnancy and birth balls available, most exercise balls (also known as Swiss balls or yoga balls) will work, though before using them, check the size you need and whether the ball you choose will work during pregnancy and birth Safety. Bouncing on the birthing ball helps prepare the pelvis for labor and puts the baby in the correct position. It can also reduce the pain of contractions and help you maintain a more upright posture, which can shorten your labor.

What are the benefits of birthing balls?

When used during pregnancy, a birth ball can distribute your weight more evenly, reduce back and pelvic pain, and help you sit more comfortably—this is especially helpful in the third trimester, when getting around becomes more difficult. Sitting on a ball also works your core and improves balance and posture.

Bouncing on the birthing ball helps prepare the pelvis for labor and puts the baby in the correct position. It can also reduce pain from contractions and help you maintain an upright posture, which can shorten labor.

When should you start using a birthing ball?

Birth balls are great for exercise and comfort at any stage of pregnancy. But from about 32 weeks onwards, it's great for gentle exercise that can relieve pain and anxiety in expecting mothers. Bouncing on the birthing ball also helps prepare the body for labor and puts the baby in the correct position.

If you are concerned about whether you are using the birth ball correctly or whether it is causing any discomfort, talk to your midwife or GP or midwife.

How long should I be bouncing on the birthing ball?

There is no set time limit for how long you should be bouncing on the birthing ball. You can use the birthing ball as a chair during your pregnancy when the couch or office chair is no longer comfortable.

When you bounce labor, the longer you do it, the more pressure you put on your cervix. You can try bouncing, shaking, and exercising for up to an hour, or, if that's too much, you can shorten the intervals to about 15 minutes each.

Make sure you are comfortable using the birthing ball and that your back is in line with your hips. You should rest when you need to.

What size birthing ball is best?

Birth balls are usually 65cm or 75cm. Please check if it is big enough after inflated for you to sit properly before use. Your knees should be about 10cm lower than your hips when you're sitting on the birthing ball.

In general, if you're 5'8" or shorter, you'll need a 65cm ball. If you're 5'9" or taller, it's best to use a 75cm ball.

How to use the birthing ball

Sitting on a birthing ball can help reduce pain during pregnancy and provide a more comfortable sitting position while you work or relax.

Bounces and swings are also a great exercise because it works your abdominal and back muscles and helps you build strength. It is also a good helper for exercising the pelvic floor muscles.

Best Birth Ball Exercises During Pregnancy

Before performing any exercises on the birthing ball, make sure you have a clean area around you and that you are confident using the birthing ball.

Staying seated, rock your pelvis from side to side, making sure to only move your lower back and hips, not your shoulders.

Slowly tilt your pelvis forward and hold for a few seconds, then slowly rock your pelvis back into a collapsed position.

Gently rotate the pelvis, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Finally, leaning on your ball in a kneeling position—you may need a pillow for comfort—rock your hips side to side, back and forth, side to side.

If your baby is in a reclined (back-to-back) position, landing on your hands and knees and leaning forward on your ball can help encourage your baby to move position.

Try to use the ball confidently before delivery. Practice your poses and find out which ones you feel most comfortable with.

best birthing ball positions

Here are some tips you can try while you're in the first stages of labor:

Astride the ball, rock your pelvis side to side or back and forth.

From a kneeling position lean on the birthing ball.

Embracing your birthing ball, lift your hips from kneeling into a hands-on-knees position. Then you can rock your pelvis from side to side.

From a standing position lean over the ball and place the ball on a bed or other surface.

When it's time to start pushing, get into a reclining or hands-and-knees position, which takes pressure off your hips and gives your baby plenty of room to come out.

Even after your baby is born, birthing balls have many uses. If you've been sore from birth, it may be more comfortable to sit on the ball, and it can also be used for breastfeeding. Babies also find the bounce soothing. Before sitting down with your baby, make sure you are comfortable and confident with it.

Once you're healed and ready to start exercising again, birthing balls can also be part of your fitness regimen.