4 Awesome Tips to Maintain Your Postpartum Mental Health

Postpartum self-care is a major dilemma that many young mothers go through. After months of waiting for your bundle of joy to come to light up your life, you suddenly find yourself overburdened with work. Your baby needs to be fed, burped, changed and slept and the cycle continues amidst all of this, you slowly lose yourself in the process. Looking after yourself becomes the task of least priority and you might even feel selfish for doing self-care but this is far from the truth. As a new mom, you need to understand that until you look after your own mental, emotional, and physical needs you can not look after yourself properly.

So, as you can probably tell from this introduction, in this article we will be having a conversation on postpartum. We will start with a discussion on Postpartum Mental Health issues and signs so that you can find out if you are suffering from a mental health issue and then progress on to some tips such as using an exercise ball or a yoga ball that can help you keep track of your mental health after having a baby. Medical intervention is sometimes necessary if symptoms of illness worsen. Therefore, we will also address this and ensure that you are equipped with all the knowledge required to sail through this difficult yet beautiful phase of life with greater ease.

Let's begin!

Postpartum Mental Health Issues and Signs

· Feeling sad or anxious Feeling of sadness and anxiety.

· Having issues sleeping, some may find it difficult to fall asleep and some might find it hard to get quality sleep and end up sleeping for too long

· Difficulty eating properly, again some struggle with low appetite, and some with eating more than usual

· Frequent and sudden mood changes

· Low concentration levels

· Recurrent thoughts of suicide or other forms of self-harm

· Feelings of disconnection from your baby

These symptoms may occur a few weeks after birth but can occur any time during the first year resulting in emotional, cognitive, and behavioral changes. If left untreated these symptoms can lead to severe mental health complications such as chronic depression, increased chances of developing depression in the future, negative impact on the psychological development of the child, etc.

Now that we have discussed some of the most common symptoms of Postpartum depression, let's talk about some practices you can adhere to, to maintain your mental health.

5 Tips for maintaining mental health after having a baby

1. Engage yourself in healthy activities

Many psychologists suggest that relaxation activities can be very effective for controlling anxiety and negative thoughts. Having a hobby that you can partake in can help your mind and body relax, boosting productivity levels and negative thoughts at bay. Controlling your thoughts and ensuring that they are positive is very important because thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are all interconnected. Negative thoughts are bound to create negative behavioral responses. Overthinking is for example a major contributor to anxious behavior.

2. Maintain a healthy relationship with your spouse

After having a baby it can be difficult to enjoy time with your partner but if both of you value and prioritize this, it is doable. Having healthy communication with your partner, and doing things you love doing together even if it is as simple as cooking a meal, can brighten up your day.

3. Use an exercise ball

Using an exercise ball, also called a yoga ball or birth ball, can be a comforting and enjoyable activity to do after birth. An exercise ball gives cushioned support and can act as one of the few surfaces which you will be comfortable with after birth. You can also bounce on it gently along with your baby to calm them if they are restless.

A yoga ball can accelerate your recovery in the postpartum journey, improving your mental health. You can easily purchase a Trideer yoga ball for yourself and enjoy your time with it. Exercising using your affordable and effective Trideer yoga ball can help increase your calmness and energy and concentration levels, allowing you to clear your mind and relax.

4. Find yourself a Get-Away Space

While you need to fulfill the responsibilities that come along with motherhood, finding yourself a little getaway every now and then can be very important. You can't take care of your baby unless you take care of yourself first. So, plan something out, this doesn't really have to be too fancy like a visit to the spa anywhere you can relax freely for some time. Taking care of a baby is like being on guard 24/7 which can overwhelm you and if you keep bottling up these emotions, chances are before long you will end up having a huge mental breakdown which can be difficult to come out of.

Seeking professional help

While postpartum mental health issues may be manageable without medical intervention if symptoms progress, medical intervention becomes essential. For Postpartum depression, it is preferred that therapy is sought. You can find a good therapist in your local area and schedule an appointment with them. During therapy sessions, you can talk freely to the therapist about your mental health problems and they will help you overcome them by suggesting appropriate self-help strategies and techniques. Like other mental disorders, postpartum depression and other related disorders can also be treated through proper guidance and management, so you don't need to worry too much.

Remember, seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness. Just like how you wouldn't hesitate to go to the doctor for physical problems, you should not look down upon yourself for taking medical help for mental health issues. Nurturing and giving birth to another human being is no easy task and you are already a hero for going through all of that. Save some of the gentleness that you have to share with the world for yourself as well.

We hope that this article has proven to be resourceful and that it will help all the new mothers on their Postpartum journey navigate their way here better.

Share with us your favorite tips on maintaining good mental health after having a baby!

Source: https://trideer.com/blogs/news